this venue did not work out for me.
so if you are still interested you can look here
it is not as frustrating to use.
sea monstey
i haven't really felt like it
i am getting back into the swing of things.
i just needed a couple months of laziness.
it is ok.
the french knots are coming in handy, serving the sea monstey well as his tentacles.
yet another....
danny's current obsessions are wake-boarding and badminton.
mine are making owls and cooking meals in the toaster oven.
i really love seeing the progression of work. especially in video format. i have been working on this beaded/embroidered canvas for many, many years. it is time to start finishing projects. that is my goal for the next few weeks. get things finished! it is really hard for me though, i always think of something i would rather make...
owl and french knots.
the feet are always my least favorite part. i always save the worst for last.
like peewee saving the snakes last!
"this boy is a hero!"
"this boy is under arrest!"
(what gives with all the movie quotes lately?)
this fellow is the first of the finished of my lastest fascination...
gilled animals.
feathered in this case, if you want to get techical about it.
feathers and gills are the same thing anyway.
i learned, with the help of how to embroider french knots. i really appreciate all the help has offered me over the years. i appreciate the laughs too. is a real pal...
this detail is of a soft frame i made around a little mirror. i am not sure if i really like it yet. i thought i would at least share the living proof of my newly acquired skillz!
happy birthday alex!
changing gears. GEARS!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
i am changing my mind about things.
i did my first cape cod craft fair.
it did not "fair" well! hahahhaha. sheesh!
for a while, i am going to take a break from making things that i think others would want to buy. i am making things to live in our house.
i am making things while listening to my favorite television shows. intervention. obsessed. losing it with jillian (a poor substitute for the biggest loser) hoarders...
i am taking my time. no rush. these beasts can live with me for a while. like piglet living with winnie the pooh when owl took piglet's house when his blew down on the wicked blustery day in the hundred acre wood...
owl is kind of an a-hole.
get with it katie!
i am.
here are some things i have been working on since i last posted.
i successfully ran two and a half miles! (in a month i went from not being able to run for a minute straight, all the way to 25 minutes straight)
and interviewed for a job i did not get. (i am not crying about it though)
i went to birthday parties! (3 glorious parties)
i made eggplant for papa for father's day. (and he got a chupacabra, one of the boys featured above)
i had my first anniversary! (the best year of my life)
i met my b. and i.'s new kitty. (olive)
i visited and was visited! (poor guests, i was a lame sick host)
i watched three fireworks from my backyard. (we were too sick to see real ones in public)
i had a week of vacation and spent it being sick. (sheesh)
i gave my husband and my papa terrible colds. (i am not proud of that though)
i got a job teaching arts and crafts to youngins! (not the one i did not get, i applied for two in one day and was 50% successful)
i started a quilt (i will show pictures later, pandora is sleeping on the pieces now)
the saskwatch making continues.
i am having a hard time sticking with one project.
half-way through something, i think of something sooooooooo awesome to make.
so i leave many projects half finished.
in order to feel somewhat accomplished, i have been making, and completing "plant saskies." this most recent one is a sad bodybuilder.
back to soft pictures.
A few years ago, I was really into making soft pictures by embrodering felt onto canvas or what not.
Well the old girl is back at it.
The flowers are not selling on etsy. I am blaming that on my shitty pictures I took. Soooooooo I needed to do something else before I go back to the flower business. Don't get me wrong, I will go back to it, I am thinking of doing craft fairs in the summer months when the tourists are swarming.
(As for etsy, I have taken new pictures of new work, but I just need to figure out how to rotate them on Joey's PC. PCs make everything a little more difficult.)
mama's haircut

so Uncle Jim sent me this picture of maam from back in the day. i really liked her hair-cut, so i decided to chop off 7 inches to get the same look.
it looked awesome the day i got it. but i always forget DO NO LAYER YOUR HAIR KATIE!!! holy crap, it just does not work for me. so next time i talk about getting a new style, remind me, that layers are not for me.
i did it!
my first success in my goal to stop making excuses for not getting stuff done!
my first success in my goal to stop making excuses for not getting stuff done!
Broken Computer, New Work!!!
maybe i would have made more updates but, alas, my computer passed away one evening whilst i was enjoying a podcast about prison workers. sheesh. i was even trying to learn and be good and so on and so forth.
i have yet to bring it to the mac store. mac stores don't live near my house. we don't have play dates often i am afraid.
i am thinking it may be time for a PC. i don't like the mac man, or how expensive the computers are. even though, way down in my heart, i know the truth. the truth is i would certainly buy a new one if they were reasonably priced...
i don't really need to find fault with the mac guy.
i have been making flowies! i am going to work my way over to to make my first listings! let's hope i don't get too frustrated and put it off for another month or five.
happy vallingtines to you and your beloveds!
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