
oh school vacation...

so much was accomplished in a short period of time. many bigfootbeasts and flowers were created, many walks were taken, and many dreams of quitting the day job were dreamt.


back to soft pictures.

A few years ago, I was really into making soft pictures by embrodering felt onto canvas or what not.
Well the old girl is back at it.

The flowers are not selling on etsy. I am blaming that on my shitty pictures I took. Soooooooo I needed to do something else before I go back to the flower business. Don't get me wrong, I will go back to it, I am thinking of doing craft fairs in the summer months when the tourists are swarming.

(As for etsy, I have taken new pictures of new work, but I just need to figure out how to rotate them on Joey's PC. PCs make everything a little more difficult.)