Yesterday Joey and I went to the Science Museum for a day of learning.
Having not been in over 15 years, I realize now that the main galleries leave something to be desired. They didn't even have the musical stairs anymore, what gives? Nor did they have the robot you could tickle, punch, hug, fondle, ect. and then gave the appropriate reaction to each kind of touch.
Now, if it weren't for the Butterfly Garden, and the Froggie Exhibit, we would have been sad children. These shows, however, were magnificent! Plus, the fact that I got in for free (teaching perk) was pretty awesome as well.
I took many pictures of the butterflies, and my obsolete digital camera certainly doesn't do them justice. They were very magical and it was very peaceful in their garden, until it got overcrowded with onlookers. I was lucky enough to have a butterfly friend land on me!
Joey loves froggies. Joey's love for frogs, is equivalent to my love for kitties. It was his idea to go to see the Frog Exhibit, it was just a magical coincidence that the Butterfly Garden was there at the same time (or maybe it is a permanent fixture, I never pay proper attention to anything) There were frogs from all around the world. My pictures of them did not come out so well, cursed glass cages...
On our long drive home from the big city, we were so inspired by our visit, that we wrote a song, Sonic Boom Butterfly.
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